Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Project Value

                      Romeo and Juliet Project Value
                Although it may not follow traditional project guidelines, the Romeo and Juliet Project is one that helps develop skills for the future. Mainly, it instructs students on responsibility, communication skills and organization.  Unlike typical everyday projects, this Romeo and Juliet project differs from the rest due to the hands-on nature of it.  Making students use real world experience and utilizing technology like Blogger, Kid Blog, Twitter, Skype, Flickr, and Twitter-there is more value in a project like this than reading comprehension assignments or a test. Projects like this are what will be remembered, not the tests and bookwork.  This Romeo and Juliet Project is beneficial to students because it helps develop skills to use in the real world.
            Real world experience plays a major part in this project. Communication is key, without communication the students learned they can’t work as one. Unlike the typical school project, this project has everyone involved together. The students make use of their prior knowledge, develop communication skills, and work together which are all skills that can be used in the workforce later on.  Also, a typical class project involves students to usually be cut-off from the rest of the class, which doesn’t help build good communication skills.   However, teamwork is involved in every scenario in this project, from directors to actors and advertising. The project makes students interact in order to get the job accomplished.
   Technology also is used alot in the Romeo and Juliet project. The project requires students to use kidblog.org, Twitter, Blogger, turnitin.com, Skype, and Flikr. Doing a normal project would involve the students to use dated textbooks, or simply google. However, this project incorporates the use of many types of technology, broadening students’ horizons. Jobs like soundtrack require the students to look up songs for the upcoming scenes, with websites like Jamendo.com allowing music to be used legally instead of paying a $2,000 dollar fine for songs on youtube. The camera and other technology is also used in filming for the movie and couldn’t have been filmed without proper tech equipment. Modern technology would not have been used in the average project and it will be beneficial to know how to use it later in life.
              Also, the organization for the project is outstanding for the fact that it is completely student-run! The project set-up and timing is completely up the students. Students are responsible for their job requirements and assignments given. A leader is needed to organize, which is why leadership is key in this project. When there was a flaw in project, the teacher looked toward the director and the director kept the project in control and organized. The whole project is student-run, which was remarkable because very rarely do the teachers let the students be the one in charge. This teaches students responsibility, how to be a true leader, and how to have confidence.
            In addition, the project is a memorable one. Students looking back at school aren’t going to remember the tests and quizzes, or the dreary book reports. students will remember the fun play they put together. The hard work and consistency to make the play great will be remembered.  The Romeo and Juliet project showed everyone school is more than just tests. Students even worked with other people from another state- talking to them face to face on Skype, spreading and sharing ideas, and even making some friends in the process. This will definitely be a cherished memory from high school.
 The Romeo and Juliet project was incomparable to any other school activity. It was the first of its kind, and that was the drive that pushed students to receive an “A” and to perform to their potential. The project showed students how to use all of these websites and technology that will possibly help them in the future. Using real-world experience helped students form communication skills to interact and share ideas with others.  Everyone is involved in this project, and it created great memories for the students. The Romeo and Juliet project had more value in the class instead of reading, writing or taking a test. There are many ways for Romeo and Juliet to be taught to a class, but this project has prepared students for the real world in a memorable way.

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